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Dana Segev

UK-South Korea conference October 2022 (public speaking)

The UK-South Korea Research Networking Conference is taking place the end of October 2022 and includes fascinating discussions about social policy for families in South Korea and the UK; the relationship between well-being, art and technology; children’s wellbeing; and desistance from crime. Dr. Dana Segev will be speaking about popular concepts in criminological theories and how these do not always work the same way (or at all) in different countries, under different policies and cultural contexts. She critically evaluates the role of age in offending and desistance, looking at how its impact alter across societies. Her paper challenges popular criminological theories which attribute the cessation of offending to maturation and opportunities that become available with age (see, for example, Sampson & Laub, 1993; Shover & Thompson, 1992). Dr. Dana Segev will also be discussing the influence of contextual factors, those embedded in society, on identity; supervision of offenders; and how participants in her study sought to desist from crime — comparing findings from England and Israel. Lastly, she analyses the influence of social attributes within a given culture on employment opportunities and the ability of a given society to mobilise social capital. A key argument highlighted in her conference paper argues that the lessons learned from anglophone countries about rehabilitation and how people stop offending are not applicable to all countries at all times and policy makers should be more culturally attuned when devising policies to address offending and support desistance.

Scopium will share Dana’s paper and insights from the conference at the start of November 2022. Watch this space for updates.

See details of the conference and speakers here or below:


Sampson RJ and Laub JH (1993) Crime in the Making: Pathways and Turning Points Through Life. Harvard University Press.

Shover N and Thompson CY (1992) Age, Differential Expectations, and Crime Desistance. Criminology 30(1): 89-104.


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